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This would be me. I fear I may be the only everythingian in this State. Anyone else?

I'm in southwestern CT.

(place) by ioctl Sun Aug 06 2000 at 06:35:01

I'm in CT too. Southbury to exact.

(idea) by iceburn Tue Dec 05 2000 at 19:36:08


I grew up in Norwalk. Norwalk is a cool town, also in southwestern CT. It's interesting that I haven't seen or explored much of the rest of the state. Apparently there's a lot of woods. Norwalk also has the Maritime Center! I live in Santa Cruz, CA now.

Rock on

(place) by Derby Tue Apr 17 2001 at 22:51:44

The Quiet Corner of Connecticut is where Derby resides.

(place) by FoxtrotJuliet Thu May 24 2001 at 02:26:20

I live in Southwestern CT too. It's not too bad, I guess. They have lots of beaches, bars, boats, movie theaters, etc. It is an expensive area to live in, not too far from New York city.

Some Interesting Places in Southwestern CT:

Stew Leonards
The Maritime Aquarium
South Norwalk Bars & Restaurants
Area Beaches
If you have more ideas /msg me and I can add them

Rhode Island is much nicer, in my opinion.

(place) by Nihilanth Sat Aug 25 2001 at 08:47:57

Ive lived in Connecticut most of my life. I was born in New London, and lived in Waterford for most of it. I spent a couple years at the University of Connecticut, but failed out after a year in Computer Science Engineering, and then failed out again after a year in the Business program. I'm back in Waterford, although I spend most of my time bouncing between Norwich, Montville, Salem, Colchester, East Lyme, etc.

(person) by hitchhiker Tue Dec 18 2001 at 21:17:22

I'm from Southwestern Connecticut, born and raised (except for college when I gratefully emigrated to Boston and then Albany). I live in Shelton in Fairfield County, to be exact. Shelton is the home of the Wiffle Ball Factory, part of the Lower Naugatuck Valley, and former cradle of the big CT Foam Rubber industry.

I've been told I have a CT accent. I didn't know people in CT had accents. I don't think I have an accent. If anything, I have a mix of Boston and Upstate NY accents. Very strange. Sometimes I hear myself say something and start laughing because it came out funny. Like "a'ight" for all right.

(person) by bzbb Wed Dec 19 2001 at 01:50:53

I live in the quiet corner myself.

(idea) by eliane Mon May 20 2002 at 17:03:55

I'm living with my dad now, up in Willington -- ten minutes or so outside of Storrs and the UConn campus. Wow, would you look at all those trees!

(person) by Nameles Wed Jul 31 2002 at 00:03:20

I'm not in the quiet corner. I'm in the southern-middle part of the state, specifically, Hamden, which is near New Haven. I must disagree with FoxtrotJuliet, Stew Leonards is boring, but the aquarium rocks.

(person) by Laura Elizabeth Wed Sep 04 2002 at 17:07:34

I have lived in Connecticut for most of my life. Currently living in Bridgeport, I grew up in Trumbull.

(person) by Chras4 Fri Sep 20 2002 at 23:14:22

I'm a recently retransplanted Connecticut wildflower. My roots are finding their way back into the cool moist soil.

crisp morning air.
change of seasons.
the beauty of a thunderstorm.
tart crunch of macintosh.
melty marshmallow gooeyness over hot chocolate milk mustache.
woodsmoke curling up chimneys on a cold autumn's evening.
fire in the canopy.

As much as I liked aspects of SoCal living. It is good to be surrounded by the familiar again.

(place) by lesterjane Wed Dec 11 2002 at 6:11:49 PM

I'm a recent transplant to Connecticut (from Ohio). I live in New Haven, will for at least the next three and a half years, and firmly believe that I am the only noder in the entire Elm City. But I'm happy to be here; I really don't think New Haven is as wretched as people like to make it out to be. And New England on the whole is lovely.

(person) by shock Sat May 03 2003 at 23:12:17

I've been in West Simsbury, Connecticut since sophomore year of high school (SHS). Latitude: 41.857017, longitude: -72.851912. Horses, farms, rich people, minimal sidewalks. Enrolled in University of Connecticut: grass suffocating under the feet of those who know how to time. Construction dust clouds that which lies above and below. My assumed elevation is 603 feet.

(person) by apraetor Sun May 11 2003 at 23:02:35

Trumbull's my home, though I go to WPI in Worcester, MA for a good part of the year :/

(place) by MALTP Fri Aug 15 2003 at 9:21:16

I've lived in a small town on the westernmost edge of Connecticut for almost ten years now. I don't like it that much, but there are some people worth sticking around for.

(place) by PTBee Fri Oct 10 2003 at 5:39:16


I live in Hamden, Connecticut. Click on the link for a good description of the town. Hamden (as of all of Connecticut) is pretty dull, but it is a very convenient place to live, and Boston and New York City are very close by. I have lived here for over 20 years.

(place) by Lord of Nothings Thu Jun 17 2004 at 15:12:43

I spent most of my life in Southport, a small 'villiage' or something in Fairfield, nestled between Westport and Fairfield. I'm probably not going to go back, but I spent enough time there (16 years; most of my life) that it bears mentioning. I learned to ride my bike on Stratford roads and had my first crush (and wrote my first poem to her) at Mill Hill Elementary school in Fairfield. Its where I played my first computer games, surfed my first Internet, got my first job, read many of the novels I treasure now, and worked my first shitty jobs. There wasn't much to do, but I had some friends, and it was pretty sometimes.

The Pequot Library around the corner from my house was pretty kickass-- an old gothic building with a giant book sale every year. The beaches were crap, but the diners (Athena, Dogwood Cafe, Sherwood over in Westport were great, and Borders Books and Music was a good place to go at night. Its nothing compared to Sydney, but it was home.

(place) by artemis entreri Thu Jul 29 2004 at 14:55:57

Born in New Haven on Fathers Day of 1979. Lived there till 1990, at which point I moved to Athens, Greece. One Middle School/High School experience later, the summer of 1998 was upon me, and I was back in Connecticut for my college experience.

Still up at UConn, finishing my Masters in Computer Science & Engineering, and applying to Doctorate progams in Mathematics.

CT is all can be pretty boring living off-campus up near UConn, but New Haven is nice.

Heh..I just noticed that this wu was created on my birthday four years ago....weeeeeeeird :P

(person) by Aeroplane Wed Nov 17 2004 at 10:00:31

I just moved to Plainville two months ago. I went to see 50 cent's house in Farmington last weekend. It is huge!

(person) by shaogo Mon Apr 10 at 10:00:31

I'm in West Hartford and encourage noders to look me up when in town. Paul (at) asianfusion (dot) net.

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