Divide and conquer - basic strategy for dealing with antagonistic activist movements:

According to the doctrine of most PR firms, there are four basic types of activists - radicals, opportunists, idealists and realists. PR firms deal with antagonistic movements by dividing the different types, using different tactics for each group:

  • Isolate the radicals.
  • Get the opportunists on the payroll if needed, or ignore them.
  • Cultivate/educate the idealists and convert them to realists.
  • Co-opt the realists into agreeing with industry.

Radical activists have socio-political motives for subverting the system. They see multinational corporations as inherently evil, and do not trust the government to protect the people or the environment from the interests of big business. Their larger goals can be characterized as "social justice and political empowerment". Radicals cannot be converted. Therefore, they must be isolated. Their credibility must be destroyed through conversion of the other factions or by personal attacks.

Idealists can be the most difficult activists to deal with. Idealists tend to want a perfect and ethical world. Typically they have nothing material to gain from their beliefs. This, combined with a symptomatic altruism, gives them great credibility and disproportionate influence over the public and the media. Idealists must be dealt with by education, for they will change their positions if it can be shown that their policies cause harm to others. However, the education process can be intensive and difficult for the manipulator, requiring great sensitivity to the issues concerning the idealist.

Opportunists are those who engage in activism for their own gain. They may be after power, increased visibility, or even money. Opportunists can be easily dealt with by "providing them with at least the perception of a partial victory".

Realists are the key to most PR campaigns. They are the ones who are willing to work with trade-offs, and their pragmatism makes them the ones most open to negotiation. They will work within the system, often being willing to enter into partnerships with the business concerns that PR firms represent. Once these relationships have been established, the opportunists are always willing to share the credit, and the radicals will lose credibility and be neutralized.

Summarized from a speech Ronald Duchin, of Mongoven, Biscoe and Duchin, gave to the National Cattlemen's Association in 1991. This speech is quoted extensively in the book "Toxic Sludge is Good for You", along with examples of MBD's tactics in action and a wealth of other information on PR tactics. I can't overemphasize the importance of reading this book. Anybody who ever considered reading a newspaper or watching a micro-second of television should read "Toxic Sludge" first. It will change your perception of 'News' forever. That goes triple for people who want to be activists, no matter what type. It's the most basic kind of tactics: Know Your Enemy.