The following is a transcript of my nightime mental activity:

I was going to build the largest vinyl record player in the world, and it was going to be the kind with a laser instead of a needle. In fact, I was just going to build the laser by the side of the road and the cars going by would be the record, but then I realised that wouldn't work. So I just made a small one instead, and I put it where the white rainbow and the colored rainbow met because that was a really sacred place, right?

Nearby, there was a pub with the smallest entrance in the world. It was really small, I had to crawl through several narrow tunnels and it was a tight fit even though I'm really skinny. Once I was inside I felt really out of place because everyone inside was four feet tall (rather like the ceiling) and they could all tell I wasn't a regular. So I got a pint and went outside (through the exit, which was normal sized) to look at the castle next door.

I went and sat down next to my sister on a tump of grass at the edge of the cliff to watch the rainbows and the city below. We tried to take a picture, but the lighting wasn't good enough, because it was so cloudy. Then we realised that the ground was rocking gently back and forth, and it turned out that the tump of grass we were on was actually part of the castle cantilevered out over the cliff on a hinge. Well naturally we got off pretty quick, or at least my sister did, she just jumped across back to solid ground. I thought it would be safer to go through the castle, but it wasn't because it was a ruin undergoing restoration and there was scaffolding everywhere.

I had to do some really scary maneuvering on the outside of the castle to get back on the ground.

I almost fell down the cliff. But I made it.

And then I woke up.

The End