A group of colleges that are ancient enough to have ivy grow on the walls of its buildings, hence ivy league. In Cornell (the college I attend), ivy can only be found on the administration building (they keep the ivy there for looks and reputation), a couple of arts and sciences halls, and on the engineering buildings, because they get no maintanence (hence the engineering quad of Cornell is referred to as "the shithole quad" by bitter engineers).

The reputation of Ivy League schools is that they excel in academics. Which is probably true, but the administrapo (I mean administration) of these colleges feel that because of their association with the Ivy League they can charge you an extra ten grand every year. Since they become so filthy rich by charging exorbitant fees these schools tend to give out generous amounts of financial aid (a good thing, because I'm poor). Cornell is by far the most challenging school I've attended, and because I'm not used to busting my ass studying all day, I'm getting shitty grades. Everything 2 might have something to do with it too.

Another reputation of Ivy League schools is that they are filled with rich people. Which is probably also true. From what I've seen in Princeton, Harvard, and Cornell, rich white society is heavily entrenched in Ivy League schools. However, that does not make the student bodies of Ivy League schools conservative.

Why do I pay the extra money to attend an Ivy League school? Because I get a first-class education, a nice place to spend 4 years, and I get out with a degree emblazoned Cornell University, which looks really good on a resume.