Very, VERY few teenagers have gone through anything that could give them an excuse (or reason) to commit suicide (there are exceptions, rape/abuse being high up on my list). I'll put things in perspective quickly:

I'm 14, nearly fifteen, and my father shot himself in November of 2008. Before I was born, my father was diagnosed with clinical depression, though that was actually due to his crack addiction. My biological parents split up when I was 3, and I bounced between parents for my childhood; from 2-8ish I lived with my mom and visited my dad on the weekends, when I was 8 my dad married a total bitch and I moved in with them until I was 9, when they split up (one of my stranger memories from that time period is waking up the day before my dad and I were going to go to Florida because my dad was sitting on my bed and, looking back, probably masturbating). From there, we moved in with my grandfather for a while until my dad got an apartment at a place overrun with drug addicts and crack dealers. I lived there until 11, and my best friend was a delinquent son of a marijuana addict (side note: the smell of marijuana remains one of my favorite smells) who, at 8, tried to convince me to steal things (I had morals back then so I didn't). Later, my mother met my stepfather and we moved to England. Yes, the country, I basically up and left all my friends behind (I made some way awesomer friends though so oh well). I have been homeschooled these past 3 years, which is great except I seldom talk with other people, so my social skills leave a bit to be desired. Furthermore, my dad shot himself, as I said, and I went back to the US for a week for his funeral, continuing my lie that I actually go to a school (I told my dad that when he was still alive because he didn't like me being homeschooled...) to all my family and the various friends who showed up at his funeral. About a month after I got back to the UK I started having some serious suicidal thoughts, I even wrote up a whole suicide note (it was structured, I'm proud of it!). Then I realized "well, what will I be missing when I'm dead?". I sat for I don't know, 2 hours, in the blistering cold thinking about all my friends and family, how I'd hurt everyone who cares and so on and so forth. I realized EXACTLY how stupid and pitiful my problems were in comparison to so many other people... and I just deleted the notes and went on with my life.

Why is it these teens think they have any right to suicide? They have damn-near perfect lives, even I've suffered more hardships than at least half the 'emo kids' I know. It is completely retarded and killing yourself (or even becoming depressed, retards) because everyone else is doing it is VERY SHEEPLE OF YOU.

Seriously, get a girlfriend or fuckbuddy or something. You can do so much more with your life than throw it away.

(note: most of this was ranting and if I annoyed anyone with it I'm sorry)

Alright, it looks like this was met with more negativity than I thought. I'll say this again: This was almost entirely ranting, and I have no right to suggest anything about any other teenagers; I was merely pointing out that 'fad suicides' and becoming 'depressed' because that's what's cool is completely fucking RETARDED. Those are the people who annoy me, not the kids with genuine problems (I don't even count myself as that). I feel horrible for the people who have real troubles, but, as I was thinking on my way back from the store, if a person kills herself (note: intended as a gender-neutral pronoun, men are equally, if not more, likely to do stupid things as women) because such-and-such doesn't want to go out with them then they'll be forgotten in a few years but if they carry on there's always the chance that A) the person they want to go out with will return their feelings or B) they'll find a better person who really enjoys spending time with them.

To all people considering suicide, even if you're faking it for attention, all I can say is WAIT. Think to yourself "I'll check myself in an hour." or "If I still feel this way in a week..." or "I'll go in a month." Whatever you can do to stall yourself.

I've also heard that you should have someone to talk to but I was fine without one. Maybe I wasn't really suicidal... I don't know, but honestly whatever helps. I don't know the Suicide Hotline or Samaritan numbers because I never used them but a quick web search should turn them up. Or, you could talk to a friend or family member about how you feel, anyone who claims you're just doing it for attention should be reconsidered as a friend...

Really, though, you should really think about why you're suicidal. Over a girl/boy? There are so many more wo/men in the world and I can assure there are at least 3 moderately good-looking people with good personalities that like you in your school or workplace. Anything more serious than that I can't guide you any more because as I said I'm only 14, so call the Suicide Hotline or something.