Rape is rape is rape is rape.

Whether it is more common one way or the other is totally irrelevent. Statistics be damned! Rarity is beside the point. Damage is damage, whether it is physical or emotional. Scars are scars. They still run deep.

You can not belittle the pain of the boy at the top of this node because "it is rare". You can not say.... "well, it's worse for a woman because she can be badly injured" There is no worse for the victim, male or female. The victim is in a living nightmare.

Rape sucks!

The ones who "get in trouble for it" are the ones who are reported. The ones who go to trial and end up found guilty.

Not everyone has the strength and the courage to get over the shame, embarassment and fear to make the perpetrator pay for the actions. If the above boy had kept going and kept telling his story until someone believed him, things might have been different. She might have gotten in trouble for it.

I don't blame him for NOT pushing the issue. He told three people and wasn't believed. What does that say for his support structure? For our own society? Not a hell of a lot. He did the only thing he could, sucked it into himself and carries the scars deep within.

Please enough of this "what sex is worse when it comes to rape". Lose the damn statistics! It does not matter the sex when your soul has been plundered and your esteem ripped to shreds. It's emotional baggage that stays with you forever. Man or woman.