There is a particular scene in Disney's "Hercules" wherein the satyr, Philoctetes, describes how all the heroes he trained let him down.

In light of the performance of Democratic presidential candidates over the last 16 years, I felt that Phil's rant was highly applicable.



(Philoctetes and Bernie Sanders wander through a hall full of campaign paraphernalia)

P:I trained all those would-be heroes.

(Points to various plates and mugs)

  P: Gore, Kerry, Clinton. A lot of Democrats.

(Spins plate around until it falls)

P: And every one of those bums let me down, flatter than a discus. NONE of them could go the distance. And then...there was Obama.

(gestures to a statue bathed in light and shadow)

P: Now there was a guy who had it all. The charm! The policy! He could politick! He could take a joke! He could build a coalition!...BUT THAT FERSHLUGGINER CONGRESS OF HIS. He barely gets blocked there once and kaboom --

(statue crumbles)

P: He's history.