On television you have this thing called drama. Characters are usually supposed to have interpersonal conflict in order to make the story interesting. Settings of realistic fiction usually require a bit more interpersonal drama to make up for the lack of world-shaking extrapersonal drama. In medical dramas, the writers usually combine this with the tension involved in complicated operations to make for a compelling scene. So you'll have people in the OR getting into arguments -- "We're losing him! This is your fault, Jessica! You never listen to me!" "Well you never listen to your wife, Bob! That's why she left you!" And then you'll have doctors getting angry at the patient for dying and saying "Live, dammit, live!" And then they bring out the giant shock-paddle defibrilators and yell CLEAR and then they all cry when the patient dies.

Admittedly my experience of hospital dramas is based on watching a few seasons of M*A*S*H and reading a bit about ER circa 2003 but the former show definitely got involved in the hospital-room arguments.

The thing is, an actual Operating Room is not conducive to drama, especially not interpersonal drama. Surgeons usually speak to each other calmly and quietly, confirming instructions by repeating them. They say things as quickly as possible, using jargon and acronyms that a non-surgeon wouldn't understand, because sometimes seconds count. There's tension there, but as for drama...in Scrubs, of all TV shows, Emergency Room work (where one would expect the most drama, to the extent that there's an entire medical drama called ER) is treated as "stressful but tediously undramatic"1

Starting an argument in the OR that took one's eyes away from the patient, as seen frequently in M*A*S*H, would be a good way to LOSE the patient.


1. Source: TVtropes "Gurney Scene" page