I'm a part of some spy group for the government and we're doing a case on some evil drug dealers. We go into action everyone carrying guns. We're outnumbered and once again I get shot in the back. However, the guy who shot me muttered something and the girl beside me was spared. I fall to the ground, pretending to be dead although I wasn't even in any pain at all. The evil people left and I, along with some other people are lying on the ground. I could feel the bullet in my back and I remember how it felt as it hit me. Suddenly all the people got up from the ground including me and we went back to our headquarters. A bunch of doctors are there to check how badly each of us are hurt. There is a metal bed and doors that we are supposed to go through after our check-up is done. All of us get into a straight line and we are told to strip out of all of our clothing. I do as I am told when it was my turn and a guy behind me made a comment about my body. I feel embarassed as I let the doctor check my bullet wound. He says all these things about nerves and my back but I do not understand him since he was using medical terms. He tells me I need to take the bullet out but he cannot do it for me now. I am not in any pain though, he explained why, but as I mentioned, I could not understand him. I walked to one of the doors, still naked. As I was going through the door I woke up wondering if there was still a bullet in my back.