The last story, Mathenauts written by Norman Kagan in a collection of "Tales of Mathmatical Wonder" (also titled "Mathenauts") compiled by Rudy Rucker deals with just such a concept....

In the story the mathematical theories occupy a position in some "space", not your ordinary 4-dimensional space we're used to, oh no, this space is defined by the relationship linking mathmatical objects (theorems) together. The story deals with the concept that this space has an objective reality and if all theories can have a coordinate in this meta-space of theories, then it is possible to create a "ship" that can navigate it way through this space, to find new theories and lemmas in uncharted waters.

To be able to survive a voyage in this craft takes a pilot six years of "Brill" conditioning, a Ph.D. in pure maths, and a psychic ecology provided "ordinary" passengers to provide a mapping for the "mathenaut" to chart a course home....


Imagine your universe mapped onto a new reality as the outlandish theories of topology warp reality into new forms, or projected into multi-dimensional worlds, or reduced to flatland. The first such ships simply disapeared from our universe, to wander the infinite mathematical spaces.

How about theories that subsume other theories, feed off them, grow and evolve and look at your projection into their world hungrily?

Quite a good short story, and I'm sure has some philosphical merit.