The First Khandhaka Sections 66–70
Admission to the Order of Bhikkhus

The First Khandhaka is the first part of the Mahavagga.
The Mahavagga is the first part of the Khandhaka.
The Khandhaka is the second part of the Vinaya Pitaka ("Basket of Discipline").
The Vinaya Pitaka is the first part of the Tipitaka ("Three Baskets"), a.k.a. the Pali Canon.
The Tipitaka is the major religious text of Theravada Buddhism.

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The First Khandhaka (Pali for "Expositions") is quite a long piece (the longest of the four Khandhakas in the Mahavagga), divided into seventy-nine parts, containing stories concerning the origin of the rules of the Patimokkha by giving an account of what the Buddha did following his enlightenment. This excerpt contains some specifics about the upasampadâ ordination and who may or may not receive it.

The text was translated by T. W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg in 1881; the translation is in the public domain. It was taken from Text in [square brackets] (and all pipelinks) was added and does not appear in the translation; text in (parentheses) does appear in the translation.


1 At that time a number of Bhikkhus were travelling on the road from Sâketa to Sâvatthi. On the road robbers broke forth, robbed some of the Bhikkhus, and killed some of them. Then royal soldiers came from Sâvatthi and caught some of the robbers; others of them escaped. Those who had escaped, received pabbaggâ with the Bhikkhus; those who had been caught, were led to death.

2 Then those who had been ordained, saw those robbers who were being led to death; seeing them they said: 'It is well that we have escaped; had we been caught, we should also be killed thus.' The Bhikkhus said to them: 'Why, what have you done, friends?' Then those (robbers) who had been ordained, told the whole matter to the Bhikkhus. The Bhikkhus told this thing to the Blessed One.

'Those Bhikkhus, O Bhikkhus, were Arahats. Let a person, O Bhikkhus, that has murdered an Arahat, if this person has not received the upasampadâ ordination, not receive it; if he has received it, let him be expelled (from the fraternity).'


At that time a number of Bhikkhunîs were travelling on the road from Sâketa to Sâvatthi. On the road robbers broke forth, robbed some of the Bhikkhunîs, and violated some of them. Then royal soldiers (&c., as in [1st Khandhaka 66]).

The Bhikkhus told this thing to the Blessed One.

'Let a person, O Bhikkhus, that has violated a Bhikkhunî (or, that has had sexual intercourse with a Bhikkhunî), (&c., as in [1st Khandhaka 66]).

'Let a person, O Bhikkhus, that has caused a schism among the Sangha, &c.

'Let a person, O Bhikkhus, that has shed (a Buddha's) blood,' &c.


At that time a certain hermaphrodite had received pabbaggâ with the Bhikkhus; so karoti pi kârâpeti pi. [This is not explained in the translation.]

They told this thing to the Blessed One.

'Let a hermaphrodite, O Bhikkhus,' &c.


1 At that time the Bhikkhus conferred, the upasampadâ ordination on a person that had no upagghâya.

They told this thing to the Blessed One.

'Let no one, O Bhikkhus, who has no upagghâya, receive the upasampadâ ordination. He who confers the upasampadâ ordination (on such a person), commits a dukkata offence.'

2 At that time the Bhikkhus conferred the upasampadâ ordination with the Sangha as upagghâya.

They told this thing to the Blessed One.

'Let no one receive the upasampadâ ordination with the Sangha as upagghâya. He who confers the upasampadâ ordination (in such a way), commits a dukkata offence.'

3 At that time the Bhikkhus conferred the upasampadâ ordination with a number of Bhikkhus as upagghâya (&c., as before).

4 At that time the Bhikkhus conferred the upasampadâ ordination with a eunuch as upagghâya, &c.; with a person that had furtively attached himself (to the Sangha) as upagghâya; with a person that was gone over to the Titthiyas as upagghâya; with an animal as upagghâya; with a person that was guilty of matricide as upagghâya; with a person that was guilty of parricide as upagghâya; with a person that had murdered an Arahat as upagghâya; with a person that had violated a Bhikkhunî as upagghâya; with a person that had caused a schism among the Sangha as upagghâya; with a person that had shed (a Buddha's) blood as upagghâya; with a hermaphrodite as upagghâya.

They told this thing to the Blessed One.

'Let no one,' &c. (as in the first clause).


1 At that time the Bhikkhus conferred the upasampadâ ordination on persons that had no alms-bowl. They received alms with their hands. People were annoyed, murmured, and became angry, saying, 'Like the Titthiyas.'

They told this thing to the Blessed One.

'Let no one, O Bhikkhus, receive the upasampadâ ordination without having an alms-bowl. He who confers the upasampadâ ordination (on a person that has not), commits a dukkata offence.'

2 At that time the Bhikkhus conferred the upasampadâ ordination on persons that had no robes. They went out for alms naked. People were annoyed (&c., as in [1st Khandhaka 70:1]).

3 At that time the Bhikkhus conferred the upasampadâ ordination on persons that had neither alms-bowl nor robes. They went out for alms naked and (received alms) with their hands. People were annoyed (&c., as in [1st Khandhaka 70:1]).

4 At that time the Bhikkhus conferred the upasampadâ ordination on persons that had borrowed alms-bowls. After the ordination (the owners) took their alms-bowls back; (the Bhikkhus) received alms with their hands. People were annoyed (&c. . . . . down to): 'Like the Titthiyas.'

They told this thing to the Blessed One.

'Let no one, O Bhikkhus, receive the upasampadâ ordination who has borrowed the alms-bowl. He who confers,' &c. (as in the first clause).

5 At that time the Bhikkhus conferred the upasampadâ ordination on persons that had borrowed robes. After the ordination (the owners) took their robes back; (the Bhikkhus) went out for alms naked. People were annoyed (&c., as in [1st Khandhaka 70:1] to the end).

6 At that time the Bhikkhus conferred the upasampadâ ordination on persons that had borrowed alms-bowls and robes, &c.

Here end the twenty cases in which upasampadâ is forbidden.