As VERBOTEN! Seems to be one of the few German words every single American knows (others including Kindergarten, for example), no one making tv series or movies cares what a sign on German facilities says as long as it includes verboten, no matter how senseless the sign is in the actual context.

Noteworthy examples include every German sign in Hogan's Heroes and the worst part of set design in the history of Star Trek: In The Killing Game, some crew members are involved in deadly holodeck games set in Nazi Germany, or, more exactly, in occupied France. There's a sign at the door to the Nazi headquarter saying:

Garagenanlage. Rauchen, Feuer und offenes Licht polizeilich VERBOTEN

Parking garage. Smoking, fire and unsafe light FORBIDDEN by the police.

It is required by German law to have this sign in every garage. It has -obviously- nothing to do with Nazis.