On the outside I am a rock, always there, something solid for other people to hold on to when they're down and troubled; a place of refuge, a place of calm. And then I feel stuck, rooted, only able to wait.


today i am a leaf, i am a boat

i am a leaf sucked into a vortex, not knowing where i'll land, only knowing from experience that i will. it will soon be ok, i know this, but i'm not in control. the wind wants me, it wants to suck me up, hold on to me. but the centrifugal force is too great and i will be thrown from its clutches, to spin down to earth.

does it want to let me go?

do i want to be released?

i am a boat tossed by a storm, directionless, at the mercy of the waves. all i can do is wait and trust...trust that the forces wont crush me before i reach calmer waters.

a boat doesn't want to be becalmed,

a leaf doesn't want to lie and rot.

The excitement, the passion, the fury of the storm - does it set us free, or does it seize us, capture and control us?
Questions, questions - i am confused


tomorrow, maybe I'll go back to being a rock