Geographic and social center of the borough of Staten Island, New York.

The mall is located on Richmond Avenue, at just about the geographic center of the island. It has 2 floors, and 3 wings. Sears is the department store in the south wing; Macy's is the store in the north wing; JC Penney is in the east wing. A sizable (about 15 places) food court is located in the center of the 2nd level.

As there's not too much to do on Staten Island, the mall is a common gathering place for teens... similar to many other suburban areas, I suppose.

Directly to the west of the mall is the edge of the Fresh Kills Landfill. As such, the area often has a rather foul stench. The city of New York went as far as planting trees on the hill across the street from the mall, so as to block the view of any mounds of garbage. While it can't be seen as easily anymore, it can certainly be smelled. (The landfill closed permanently in 2001, so hopefully the smell will dissipate over time).

The mall is open 7 days a week. It has a website at