Since the early 20th century the United States has had an enormous effect on global affairs, and is now widely recognised as the world's major (perhaps only) superpower. When looking at the powerful force the US is today, it is easy for outsiders to forget its origins in colonial history and revolutionary war.
America's systems of government and politics, and its legal system, reflect this colonial past to some extent, and show parallels with European systems. Its 50 states have roots in the original colonies, although of course the nation has undergone many fundamental changes since then, notably as the world's major capitalist nation.
This metanode attempts to highlight some of the nodes about the US currently available on E2 - please /msg me with any additions.
The 50 states and their capitals:
48 of the states are in the mainland United States, with Alaska and Hawaii being the exceptions. The District of Columbia is a special case, designed to incorporate the nation's capital, Washington, without being part of any one state.
US territories
American presidents:
American History:
- American History
- American Wars
- A People's History of the United States
The Colonial Era:
- British elites involvement in the evolution of America
- Discovery of America
- New England: A Puritan attempt at a Model Society
- On Shifting Power in North America During the Colonial Era
- Pueblo Revolt
- Racial tensions in Colonial America
- Treaties with the American Indian
- Women and Divorce in Colonial Philadelphia
The fight for independence:
- American Revolutionary War
- Battle of Lexington and Concord
- Boston Tea Party
- Declaration of Independence
- Stamp Act
- Taxation without representation
- Treaty of Paris
- The abolition of slavery
- Alamo
- American Civil War
- Battle of Gettysburg
- California gold rush
- Lincoln's first glimpse of the slave trade, September 27, 1841
- Louisiana Purchase
- Monroe doctrine
- Early American foreign affairs
- Manifest Destiny
- The Mexican War
- Mexican-American War
- Spanish-American War
- Women, Espionage, and the Civil War
- Wounded Knee
- 9/11
- American Airlines Flight 11
- Apollo 11
- Neil Armstrong
- Bay of Pigs
- Black Monday
- Black Thursday
- CIA, Allende, and Pinochet
- Civil Rights
- Grenada
- Joseph McCarthy
- New Deal
- Manuel Noriega
- Oliver North
- Panama
- Somalia
- Gulf War
- Iran-Contra Scandal
- Iranian hostage crisis
- Korean War
- League of Nations
- September 11, 1973
- September 11, 2001
- September 11, 2001 - II
- September 11, 2001 - III
- The United States in 1902
- Vietnam War
- Watergate
- World War I
World War II:
- American Ships at Pearl Harbor
- America's "Europe First" strategy in World War II
- Atomic bomb
- Declaration of War by the United States of America against Germany
- Declaration of War by the United States of America against Japan
- Hiroshima
- Nagasaki
- Pearl Harbor
- The effect of World War II on the treatment of Blacks in the United States
- World War II
- World War II Bombing Raids on America
The Cold War:
- Cold War
- Cold War Document and Speech Meta Node
- Gorbachev
- Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START I) Article I
Post-Cold War
- Gulf War
- 9/11
- September 11, 2001
- al-Qaeda
- War on Iraq 2003
- Barack Obama's First Inaugural Address
US law and legal cases
Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America
American laws against tipping
Barron v. Baltimore
Bob Jones University v. United States
Chevron deference
Copyright Law of The United States of America
Dodge v. Ford Motor Co.
Drye v. United States
Engel v. Vitale
Ganulin v. United States
Gherebi v. Bush
Gonzales v. Carhart
Goss v. Lopez
Griswold v. Connecticut
Holden v. Hardy
Citing a United States Supreme Court case
Kahle v. Ashcroft
Kelo v. City of New London
Lawrence v. Texas
Littleton v. Prange
New York Times co. v. United States
Nicaragua v. United States of America
Padilla v. Rumsfeld
Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad Co.
Reynolds v. United States
Roe v. Wade
Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad
Schenck v. United States
Some thoughts on drinking age limits in the United States
Supremacy Clause
Tennessee v. Lane
United States $1 Coin Act of 1997
United States Courts of Appeals
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
United States federal court system
United States Public Law 103-150
United States Supreme Court
United States v. Paramount Pictures, Inc.
United States v. Susan B. Anthony
Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. v. Sawyer
US government and politics
1992 United States Vice Presidential Debate
Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People
Amendment to the American Indian Religious Freedom Act
Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America
American Parliamentary Debate Association
A short history of United States government efforts to combat the Great Recession
Bipartisanship and democracy
Candidates for President of the United States, Year 2000
Democratic Party
Electoral College
House of Representatives
How a bill becomes a law in the United States
Is America a Police State?
President of the United States of America
Renouncing U.S. citizenship
Republican Party
Running for political office in the United States
State of the Union Address
The American Two-Party System
The Constitution of the United States of America
The freedom to express dissent in America
The National Security Strategy of the United States
The Short Abbreviations of United States Political Parties
U.S. citizenship
U.S. Federal Government
Why the United States has a two-party political system
The US and international affairs
War and the United States of America
American Aid to Israel
American and Japanese policy towards China, 1942-1943
How the United States helped Saddam Hussein
Osama Bin Laden's Declaration of War on America in the Middle East Part 1
Osama Bin Laden's Declaration of War on America in the Middle East Part 2
Philippine-American War
Project for the New American Century
Saddam Hussein's response to the United States attack, March 20, 2003
Second open letter from Saddam Hussein to the peoples of the United States
The Dalai Lama's response to terrorist attacks on the United States
War and the United States of America
War on Iraq 2003
Tibet and the United States
United States Global Empire
United States nuclear threat against Yugoslavia in 1946
Why the United States needs the United Nations
Many, many thanks to
jrn for the following interactive map of the continental United States:
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