The Gateway Grizzlies, a Minor-League Baseball team based out of Sauget, Illinois, has become notorious over the past few years for releasing unique and (more importantly) potentially-deadly food items such as the Swiss Brat, Baseball's Best Hotdog, and the dreaded Baseball's Best Burger.
2007's addition to the cavalcade of cholesterol is no different. The Grizzlies are releasing what they call Baseball's Best Sliders-- a package of two White Castle sliders (for those of you not in the know, a slider is a bite-sized hamburger adorned with liberal amounts of onions) that have been lovingly batter-dipped and deep-fried. CNBC's Darren Rovell likens the taste of the Sliders to "an onion ring burger" but mentions that the lack of a gallblader prevented him from eating too much.
The estimated caloric content of the entire meal is 600 calories and 40 grams of fat, not counting cheese sauce (which is an optional $1 add-on to the package).
The sliders will be unleashed on the general public on May 23, 2007 at a cost of $4 for a pair of them.