Charades is a classic game that has existed longer than time itself. The rules of the game consist of the following:

  • All players are split into two teams.
  • The point of the game is to act out a word, phrase, title, etc. so that your teammates guess it.
  • The person acting out the chosen term cannot speak.
  • The term used is chosen by a member of the team that is not actively acting/guessing.
  • There is a time limit to guess the term.
  • The team that guesses the most correctly wins.
    Some of the most common ways of acting out words include:
  • indicating the type of word (acting out reading a book, filming a movie, singing a song, etc.).
  • holding up a certain number of fingers to indicate how many words it is.
  • tapping a certain number of fingers on the arm to indicate how many syllables a word has.
  • tapping the nose to indicate the someone is close.
  • tapping the ear to indicate that the word "sounds like..."