Well, today was a work day. I woke up and got on the internet and found that I had gained 10 XP on E2 that night, but didn't have time to write any new writeups. The 10 XP is the most I've gained so far (though I've only been a member for about five days), so that made me proud. It also boosted my XP:Node ratio. I then tried to find the address of where I was working on Mapquest, but my contact had given me the wrong city and zip code. Luckily I was carpooling, so my partner had the right address. The work was easy, and we ended up mostly talking the entire time. I finally got off work at 9:15 PM at night and headed home. I then paged my friend who said he was going to another friend's house to go "hot tubbing" and invited me along. I called that friend to make sure it was okay, told her I had to write some stuff before leaving, and hung up. I am now writing my daily journal on E2 before I head out.

I'm off hot tubbing! Goodnight.