'Raid over Moscow' was a controversial computer game for the C64 and Apple II (and later the Sinclair Spectrum). It was devised by Bruce Carver (of 'Beach Head' fame) and released by Access Software in the US and U.S. Gold elsewhere. The game involved defending the United States against attack from Soviet Russia, although in this instance 'defending' involved travelling to Moscow and blowing it up. The tagline was 'Play it like there's no tomorrow'.

It didn't go down very well in the UK, given that 1984 was the high point of 80s nuclear angst (Threads was broadcast in 1984, and at the other end of the cultural spectrum, Frankie Goes to Hollywood had a massive hit with 'Two Tribes'). Bruce Kent, chairman of CND, raised a fuss, and the game was renamed 'Raid' when re-released a few years later - it's also worth noting that, in 1984, it was quite novel to have a computer game based on current events (although 'Raid over Moscow' is actually set in a sci-fi future that now seems unlikely).

The game itself followed a similar gameplay structure to 'Beach-Head', in that the player progressed through a series of levels showcasing different action formats - a variety of scrolling shoot-em-up sections and shooting galleries. As I recall, it was actually quite good fun.

Cinemaware, creators of gorgeous Commodore Amiga-showcases 'It Came from the Desert' and 'Defender of the Crown', produced a very similar game called 'SDI' in 1986; nobody noticed.