Of Sappho's poetry only fragments remain, of which number 47 was named 'Love's Attack' by William Petersen in his 1918 book 'The Lyric Songs of the Greeks'. Sappho herself did not name it (or, if she did, the name was for a larger poem lost forever), and no other authors use this name. It is only two lines long and cannot easily be presented here, as it is in ancient greek. The only - and therefore best - attempt to transliterate the poem into the western alphabet on the internet is here:

"Eros daut etinaksen emoi frenas/
anemos kat oros drusin empeswn."

(of which 'eros' is familiar, 'oros' is 'mountain' (hence the word 'ore'), 'anemos' is wind, 'emoi' is 'me', 'drus' (or 'drys') is 'oak', and you would need a professional to work out the rest.)

There appear to be as many translations of these two lines as there are translators; some include:

Love shivers my being
like a mountain wind on an oaken door


Love shook my heart
Like the mountain wind
Falls upon trees of oak


Eros shakes up my heart
like a mountain wind smashing into oaks

Now like a mountain wind the oaks o'erwhelming
Eros shakes my soul
