Ok. Here goes.:
Today was a pretty easy day at school. We're going through all we have learned, or at least was supposed to learn, through the year. I don't know how much there is to tell about that, because I didn't really pay much attention and I have a feeling neither did any of the others.

Don't tell me your suprised because of our lack of attention, we have now only four days left until we begin with the final exams. All of us are now growing restless and tired, something you probably understand if you've been in the same situation. So to all those of you who are in the same situation right now: "Cheer up and have fun, this is the last days of High School hell". And to those of you who still have years left: "Cheer up. I know it feels like time is standing still, but it will all be over much quicker than you would expect."

Have a nice day.