Final Fantasy V Job Classes and Abilities:
(a '!' denotes a command ability)

  • Knight-Covers allies near KO status.

  • -Vigor: +27
    -Speed: +1
    -Stamina: +20
    -Mag.Pwr: -14
    -Special Command: Guard
    -Level 1 Ability: Cover (Needs 10 ABP)
    -Level 2 Ability: !Guard (Needs 30 ABP)
    -Level 3 Ability: 2-handed (Needs 50 ABP)
    -Level 4 Ability: EqShield (Needs 100 ABP)
    -Level 5 Ability: EqArmor (Needs 150 ABP)
    -Level 6 Ability: EqSword (Needs 350 ABP)

  • Monk-High rate of Critical and Counter.

  • -Vigor: +26
    -Speed: +1
    -Stamina: +26
    -Mag.Pwr: -23
    -Special Command: Kick
    -Level 1 Ability: !Store (Needs 15 ABP)
    -Level 2 Ability: Barefist (Needs 30 ABP)
    -Level 3 Ability: !Chkra (Needs 45 ABP)
    -Level 4 Ability: Counter (Needs 60 ABP)
    -Level 5 Ability: HP +10% (Needs 100 ABP)
    -Level 6 Ability: HP +20% (Needs 150 ABP)
    -Level 7 Ability: HP +30% (Needs 300 ABP)

  • Blue Mage-Learns enemy skills.

  • -Vigor: -8
    -Speed: +1
    -Stamina: +3
    -Mag.Pwr: +23
    -Special Command: Blue
    -Level 1 Ability: !Check (Needs 10 ABP)
    -Level 2 Ability: Learning (Needs 20 ABP)
    -Level 3 Ability: !Blue (Needs 70 ABP)
    -Level 4 Ability: !View (Needs 250 ABP)

  • Thief-Can dash.

  • -Vigor: +1
    -Speed: +16
    -Stamina: +2
    -Mag.Pwr: -6
    -Special Command: Steal
    -Level 1 Ability: Secret (Needs 10 ABP)
    -Level 2 Ability: !Flee (Needs 20 ABP)
    -Level 3 Ability: Dash (Needs 30 ABP)
    -Level 4 Ability: !Steal (Needs 50 ABP)
    -Level 5 Ability: Caution (Needs 75 ABP)
    -Level 6 Ability: !Mug (Needs 150 ABP)
    -Level 7 Ability: Footwork (Needs 300 ABP)

  • Black Mage-Black Magic user.

  • -Vigor: -9
    -Speed: 0
    -Stamina: -2
    -Mag.Pwr: +21
    -Special Command: Black
    -Level 1 Ability: !Black (Needs 10 ABP)
    -Level 2 Ability: !Black (Needs 20 ABP)
    -Level 3 Ability: !Black (Needs 30 ABP)
    -Level 4 Ability: !Black (Needs 50 ABP)
    -Level 5 Ability: !Black (Needs 70 ABP)
    -Level 6 Ability: !Black (Needs 100 ABP)
    -Level 7 Ability: MP +30% (Needs 400 ABP)

  • White Mage-Uses White Magic.

  • -Vigor: -7
    -Speed: +1
    -Stamina: 0
    -Mag.Pwr: +25
    -Special Command: White
    -Level 1 Ability: !White (Needs 10 ABP)
    -Level 2 Ability: !White (Needs 20 ABP)
    -Level 3 Ability: !White (Needs 30 ABP)
    -Level 4 Ability: !White (Needs 50 ABP)
    -Level 5 Ability: !White (Needs 70 ABP)
    -Level 6 Ability: !White (Needs 100 ABP)
    -Level 7 Ability: MP +10% (Needs 300 ABP)

  • Berserker-Always Berserked.

  • -Vigor: +21
    -Speed: -5
    -Stamina: +25
    -Mag.Pwr: -23
    -Special Command: N/A
    -Level 1 Ability: Berserk (Needs 100 ABP)
    -Level 2 Ability: EqAxe (Needs 400 ABP)

  • Sorcerer-Casts MBarrier when near KO.

  • -Vigor: +14
    -Speed: +14
    -Stamina: +14
    -Mag.Pwr: +1
    -Special Command: Sword
    -Level 1 Ability: Magiwall (Needs 10 ABP)
    -Level 2 Ability: !Sword (Needs 20 ABP)
    -Level 3 Ability: !Sword (Needs 30 ABP)
    -Level 4 Ability: !Sword (Needs 50 ABP)
    -Level 5 Ability: !Sword (Needs 70 ABP)
    -Level 6 Ability: !Sword (Needs 100 ABP)
    -Level 7 Ability: !Sword (Needs 400 ABP)

  • Time Mage-Uses Time and Space Magic.

  • -Vigor: -5
    -Speed: +2
    -Stamina: -3
    -Mag.Pwr: +24
    -Special Command: Time
    -Level 1 Ability: !Time (Needs 10 ABP)
    -Level 2 Ability: !Time (Needs 20 ABP)
    -Level 3 Ability: !Time (Needs 30 ABP)
    -Level 4 Ability: !Time (Needs 50 ABP)
    -Level 5 Ability: !Time (Needs 70 ABP)
    -Level 6 Ability: !Time (Needs 100 ABP)
    -Level 7 Ability: EqRod (Needs 250 ABP)

  • Summoner-Uses Summon Magic.

  • -Vigor: -10
    -Speed: -4
    -Stamina: +1
    -Mag.Pwr: +23
    -Special Command: Summn
    -Level 1 Ability: !Summn (Needs 15 ABP)
    -Level 2 Ability: !Summn (Needs 30 ABP)
    -Level 3 Ability: !Summn (Needs 45 ABP)
    -Level 4 Ability: !Summn (Needs 60 ABP)
    -Level 5 Ability: !Summn (Needs 100 ABP)
    -Level 6 Ability: !Call (Needs 500 ABP)

  • Red Mage-Uses both Black and White Magic.

  • -Vigor: +8
    -Speed: +5
    -Stamina: -6
    -Mag.Pwr: +8
    -Special Command: Red
    -Level 1 Ability: !Red (Needs 20 ABP)
    -Level 2 Ability: !Red (Needs 40 ABP)
    -Level 3 Ability: !Red (Needs 100 ABP)
    -Level 4 Ability: !RedX2 (Needs 999 ABP)

  • Trainer-Control & Capture Enemies.

  • -Vigor: +21
    -Speed: -5
    -Stamina: +25
    -Mag.Pwr: -23
    -Special Command: Catch
    -Level 1 Ability: !Tame (Needs 10 ABP)
    -Level 2 Ability: !Cntrl (Needs 50 ABP)
    -Level 3 Ability: EqWhip (Needs 100 ABP)
    -Level 4 Ability: !Catch (Needs 300 ABP)

  • Geomancer-No damage from floor traps.

  • -Vigor: +4
    -Speed: +2
    -Stamina: +4
    -Mag.Pwr: +24
    -Special Command: Earth
    -Level 1 Ability: !Earth (Needs 25 ABP)
    -Level 2 Ability: Findhole (Needs 50 ABP)
    -Level 3 Ability: Antitrap (Needs 100 ABP)

  • Ninja-Uses Two Swords.

  • -Vigor: +15
    -Speed: +14
    -Stamina: +3
    -Mag.Pwr: -10
    -Special Command: Throw
    -Level 1 Ability: !Dustb (Needs 10 ABP)
    -Level 2 Ability: !Twin (Needs 30 ABP)
    -Level 3 Ability: Firstatk (Needs 50 ABP)
    -Level 4 Ability: !Throw (Needs 150 ABP)
    -Level 5 Ability: 2-Swords (Needs 450 ABP)

  • Bard-HAHAHA.

  • -Vigor: -8
    -Speed: +8
    -Stamina: -9
    -Mag.Pwr: +11
    -Special Command: Sing
    -Level 1 Ability: !Hide (Needs 25 ABP)
    -Level 2 Ability: EqHarp (Needs 50 ABP)
    -Level 3 Ability: !Sing (Needs 100 ABP)

  • Hunter-Call on friendly critters.

  • -Vigor: +16
    -Speed: +12
    -Stamina: +1
    -Mag.Pwr: -5
    -Special Command: Aim
    -Level 1 Ability: !Critt (Needs 15 ABP)
    -Level 2 Ability: !Aim (Needs 45 ABP)
    -Level 3 Ability: EqBow (Needs 135 ABP)
    -Level 4 Ability: !Sshot (Needs 405 ABP)

  • Samurai-Can catch attacks.

  • -Vigor: +19
    -Speed: +2
    -Stamina: +19
    -Mag.Pwr: -12
    -Special Command: $Toss
    -Level 1 Ability: !Sslap (Needs 10 ABP)
    -Level 2 Ability: !$Toss (Needs 30 ABP)
    -Level 3 Ability: SwrdGrab (Needs 60 ABP)
    -Level 4 Ability: EqKatana (Needs 180 ABP)
    -Level 5 Ability: !FDraw (Needs 540 ABP)

  • Lancer-A Dragoon/Dragon Knight.

  • -Vigor: +18
    -Speed: +5
    -Stamina: +15
    -Mag.Pwr: -12
    -Special Command: Jump
    -Level 1 Ability: !Jump (Needs 50 ABP)
    -Level 2 Ability: !Lance (Needs 150 ABP)
    -Level 3 Ability: EqLance (Needs 400 ABP)

  • Dancer-HAHAHA Again.

  • -Vigor: +5
    -Speed: +5
    -Stamina: -10
    -Mag.Pwr: -5
    -Special Command: Dance
    -Level 1 Ability: !Flirt (Needs 25 ABP)
    -Level 2 Ability: !Dance (Needs 50 ABP)
    -Level 3 Ability: EqRibbon (Needs 325 ABP)

  • Chemist-Doubles the effects of potions and ethers.

  • -Vigor: +2
    -Speed: +3
    -Stamina: +6
    -Mag.Pwr: -4
    -Special Command: Drink
    -Level 1 Ability: Medicine (Needs 10 ABP)
    -Level 2 Ability: !Mix (Needs 30 ABP)
    -Level 3 Ability: !Drink (Needs 45 ABP)
    -Level 4 Ability: !Recvr (Needs 135 ABP)
    -Level 5 Ability: !Rvive (Needs 405 ABP)

  • Mimic-Has Mimic for first command, other three are customizable..

  • -Vigor: +0
    -Speed: +0
    -Stamina: +0
    -Mag.Pwr: +0
    -Special Command: Mimic
    -Level 1 Ability: !Mimic (Needs 999 ABP)

    Note: With no Job selected, your character can equip anything and can also equip two different abilities.