Hard though you might think math, there is a part of your brain that has no problem doing highly complex differential calculus almost instantaneously. Now before you ask me what I'm on, let me elaborate a bit. Consider a common physics problem: A projectile is launched at a given velocity -- assuming no friction, calculate it's path. Some of us may find that question difficult, some may not. Now let's add in air friction. The question suddenly becomes more complicated. Add in a wind blowing at a given speed in a given direction and the complexity becomes magnified again.

Now, have someone throw a ball at you outside in the wind. Do you have any problems catching it? For most people the answer would be no. True, we may not be given precise information, and we may not be able to say how long the ball will stay in the air, when it reaches it's maximum height, or how fast it's going -- but we can catch it. We can quickly calculate the path it will take and react in order to catch the ball. It may not be the kind of math we normally think of, but it is math nonetheless. Math that functions so quickly and elegantly that we can instantly recieve the pertinent information.

Some math is easy for everyone. The areas of specialty simply differ.