KANJI: SEKI yuu (evening)

ASCII Art Representation:

                 ,%%%%%%"              ,%%,,
               ,%%%%%%"               %%%%%%%
             ,%%%%%%"                %%%%%%%
            ,%%%%%"                 ,%%%%%%"
          ,%%%%%"                  ,%%%%%%"
        ,%%%%"" ,,,,              ,%%%%%%"
      ,%%%""      %%%%,          ,%%%%%%"
   ,%%%""          %%%%%,       ,%%%%%%"
 """"              "%%%%%,     %%%%%%%
                    %%%%%%   ,%%%%%%"
                     "%%%" ,%%%%%%"

Character Etymology:

More or less derived from the same pictograph of a crescent moon as in the character for month, but without the pitted surface. The unpitted, only-semi-titled cresent moon from where this character derived came to symbolize evening.

A Listing of All On-Yomi and Kun-Yomi Readings:

on-yomi: SEKI
kun-yomi: yuu yu

English Definitions:

  1. SEKI, yuu, yuu(be): evening.

Character Index Numbers:

New Nelson: 1123
Henshall: 44

Unicode Encoded Version:

Unicode Encoded Compound Examples:

(yuuhi): setting sun.
夕食 (yuuge, yuushoku): supper, evening meal.
今夕 (konseki): this evening.

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