Some facts about America's unofficial national anthem:
  1. It was composed by Irving Berlin(1888-1989).
  2. The original song was composed in 1918.
  3. The piece as we know it was rewritten in 1938 as a peace song.
  4. Kate Smith introduced the revised version on a radio broadcast on Armistice Day, 1938
  5. Berlin created the God Bless America Fund to dedicate royalties to the Boy and Girl Scouts of America.

"God Bless America (Memory): American Treasures of the Library of Congress." Library of Congress. November 22 2002 (January 13 2003)

Side note:

"God Bless America" is a beautiful song inspired by the spirit of pacifism, and a genuine love for America. However, there is an unmistakable religious undertone to the song which has barred it from becoming a national hymn/song/anthem as proposed by a few inclined citizens. It is my personal opinion, though i believe it is legally backed by the Constitution, that it's a necessary courtesy towards atheist, agnostic, and non-judeo-christian Americans to refrain from incorporating potentially alienating religious material from our government and our national culture. As it stands, our current national motto and pledge are already egregious violations of the separation of church and state. I don't need neo-patriotic national fervor to turn the expression of my love for my country into an affected prayer.