This reminds me of a story...

Back in high school, I actually *did* work there. Well, at McDonald's. Jurph is right, the amount of stupidity that walks through a McDonald's in an average day is simply astounding. It definitely didn't help my cynical view of humanity much, either.

Either way, after a year of working there, at the prime age of 17, I was promoted to shift manager. That's right -- they trusted a 17-year-old who didn't even have a driver's license to run the show. I was vastly underpaid for the amount of responsibility and stress the job came with.. back then (4 years ago precisely) they paid me a mere $7/hour. And I took it gratefully, being 17, I foolishly thought that this was plenty of money for the job. It also got me out of the hot pink shirts that the crew had to wear, which was worth a damn lot. ;)

I started dating a crewmember. Of course, we know, this is against the rules.. I mean, you never know when a manager might show favor to a mere crewmember. I never did, because I couldn't even really think of a good way to even if I wanted to. Either way, I didn't think it mattered much because I was the opening manager, and she usually worked closing.

Anyways, somehow one of the salary managers found out. We all adored Anna, but she had a tendancy to do "the right thing" and she felt that "the right thing" in this case was to tell the store manager. This of course, was not really the right thing. I was leaving in 2 weeks for college anyways, what was the point? But sure enough, the store manager wasn't terribly thrilled. (for pete's sake, I was a KID..)

I was a crew chief again by the end of the day, my keys back in her hands. I still knew all the passwords, including the store manager's, and I should have done the prank I wanted to before I left. (Change the title on the receipts to say "Thank you for stopping at Burger King")

My attitude after that was somewhat.. jaded. The managers knew I knew how to count drawers, and take inventory, and do safety tests, and all that other manager crap, but if I didn't feel like doing any of it, I just said, "I don't know how to do that, I'm just a crewman."

"Can you go count the number of boxes of quarter-pounder patties for me?"
"I don't know how to do that, I'm just a crewman."
"Can you go take the temperatures on those meat patties?"
"I don't know how to do that, I'm just a crewman."
"Can you go clean the shake machine?"
"I don't know how to do that, I'm just a crewman."

It was quite liberating.