Based on a node I read this morning (I forget which), I decided to ask my manager a question.
My question was: "If a man, let's say me, were to wear a skirt to work, what do you think would happen?"
He thought about it for a bit, and answered something to effect of "He woud be sent home, and asked to change." I asked why.
"Because it's not professional attire."
"Okay, so if I were to take a skirt that a woman can wear to work, and wear it, it becomes unprofessional?"
"So what should I wear instead?"
"Not a Skirt!"
"I know that, but what would you ask me to wear instead of the skirt?"
"I don't know. Pants, I guess."
"Women wear pants. Why is that not considered unprofessional?"
"It just isn't."
"Okay, here's another example. What about a man who has always worn female attire, and comes to work. What then?"
"He wouldn't be working here."
I was amazed at his incredibly narrow point of view on this issue. He is convinced that the company would ask the person to go home and change. If they continued to dress in female attire, they would be terminated. I'm forced to disagree, because the employer isn't about to get into such a sticky situation. Terminating an employee because of the clothing they choose to wear (as long as it's professional) is not something they can easily do - especially if they don't specify any such technicalities in the documented dress code.
It would be a different story if a man came to work in a dress for one day just to provoke a reaction. That is certainly disruptive. (But funny. Personally, I wouldn't be disrupted. Just amused.)
Anyway, back to my day. Busy morning, as Mondays usually are. I had to catch up on the weekend's traffic. I'm caught up now, though. Yay!
My vacation is next week. I'm not really looking forward to it, as it will be a week with nothing to do. Maybe I'll take a road trip.
Lunch Log: Tostidos with home-made salsa. Damn, this stuff is good.