Answer to The brakeman, the fireman, and the engineer:

First off, we know Smith is not the fireman because of the clue about billiards. Mark this off on the grid:

         b f e
   Smith ? X ?
   Jones ? ? ?
Robinson ? ? ?

Now it gets tricky. The brakeman's neighbor cannot be Mr. Jones, because his salary is not an exact multiple of 3. Likewise, the brakeman's neighbor cannot be Mr. Robinson because they live in different places. So the brakeman's neighbor is Mr. Smith.

Now, consider the last clue. Mr. Robinson does not live in Chicago and from the above, Mr. Smith lives near the brakeman, between Chicago and Detroit, so Mr. Jones must live in Chicago, and thus the brakeman is named Jones. In the grid, not only do we mark an O at the intersection of 'b' and Jones, but also mark X's in the other cells in that column (nobody else can be the brakeman) and row (Jones doesn't have another job):

         b f e
   Smith X X ?
   Jones O X X
Robinson X ? ?

Now, by process of elimination, Smith is the engineer and Robinson is the Fireman.

         b f e
   Smith X X O
   Jones O X X
Robinson X O X

(The grid becomes more useful when you have more variables and more possibilities for each variable.)

The question was "What was the name of the engineer?" and now we know that is Smith.