"Pauline lit a lantern. It smelled fragrant burning with watermelontrout oil. We have a way here also of mixing watermelon and trout to make a lovely oil for our lanterns. We use it for all our lighting purposes. It has a gentle fragrance to it, and makes a good light."
--Richard Brautigan, In Watermelon Sugar

I think, of all the items in daily use in iDEATH and the surroundings, the watermelontrout oil says the most about the way of life of those who live there. iDEATH is a good place, and the people live simply, growing watermelons, hatching trout, and occasionally writing a book. The watermelontrout oil fits perfectly with the rest of their items; it is sweet and good, like the windows and bridges and dresses all made in watermelon sugar. It burns with a gentle fragrance, and gives a clear and present light - it adds just that much more beauty to everyone's daily life.

It's one of those things that kind of makes you wish you could live a pure and wonderful life at iDEATH. At least, it does that for me.

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