When learning how to speak fake Russian it is best not to accidentally or deliberately utter this phrase since an esteemed and learned Russian speaking friend of mine reliably informs me that it means "You're a pig" I suspect that mentioning this in a node entitled how to speak fake Russian is some kind of cruel joke in the same vein as the Inflammatory Hungarian phrase book created by Monty Python's Flying Circus, most notable for encouraging tourists in London, who can not speak a word of English, to politely entreat you with the request, "Please fondle my buttocks" as well as the more confusing, "My hovercraft is full of eels."

Actually, this means "You're a little piggy". It is mildly offensive at most, and is acceptable when said to kids or, for example, between spouses/lovers. Uttering this phrase at less intimate persons can give you very amused looks.

The picture of real Russian muzhiks in a seedy kabak, sorting their alpha male status out with phrases like this, would be funny to no end.

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