One of the devices for breaking off Dada from art. According to Richard Huelsenbeck, the simultaneist poem "teaches a sense of the merrygoround of all things; while Herr Scholze reads his paper, the Balkan Express crosses the bridge at Nich; a pig squeals in Butcher Nuttke's cellar." This type of poem did not originate from the Dadaists, and "presupposes a heightened sensitivity to the passage of things in a direct reminder of life" (Huelsenbeck).

These poems reacted against the traditional by making nonsense and chaos out of simultaneous recitations, noise, etc. The audience cannot understand at least some of what is being said; the Dadists try their patience. This showed, according to Hugo Ball's diary entry of 30 March 1916, not the consonance between language and an objective reality, but

"...der Widerstreit der vox humana mit einer sie bedrohenden, verstrickenden und zerstörenden Welt."

the struggle of vox humana against a world that threatens, chokes, and destroys her (own trans.)

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