Rice porridge is a simple, easy-to-digest food that is found in any nation where rice is consumed. In China, it is called "jook". In Japan, it is known as O-kayu. In Thailand, it is called congee. In English-speaking countries, it is known as... well, as rice porridge. It is also frequently consumed throughout Europe. Fellow E2 user Schist points out that Southerners have been known to refer to this food simply as "soft rice".

Basic rice porridge is extremely simple to make. Simply cook one cup of rice in three quarts of water for two to three hours, boiling slowly and stirring frequently to prevent the rice from sticking to the bottom of the pot. The result will be much softer and stickier than ordinary cooked or steamed rice, and is used in many desserts around the world, since it is easily sugared and shaped.

Sugar and cinnamon are commonly added to turn rice porridge into a dessert, as are fruits and grains. The recipe which stimulated the creation of this node, however, is a traditional Christmas treat of the Danish peasants, one which I was occasionally subjected to during my childhood.

You will need:

Preparation instructions:
1. Rub the bottom of a thick-bottomed pot with butter, to keep the rice from sticking too badly. 2. Pour the milk into the pot and bring it to a slow boil. 3. Pour in the rice while stirring the mixture, and reduce heat. 4. Cover and let simmer for 50 minutes. Add salt if desired. 5. Serve on plates. Put a small piece of butter in the center of the porridge and sprinkle on or mix in cinnamon and sugar as desired.

This recipe is the one once used by superstitious Danish farmers to appease the nisse when they are angry.

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