Here's a big ol' perl module to access E2's chatterbox through the XML/http interface. Note this is not a chatterbox client in and of itself, but that a chatterbox client can be built upon it.

The pod at the bottom has examples of use. This requires the chatterbox parser and the private messages parser modules.

package E2Chatterbox2;

use constant E2          => '';
use constant MAX_CHATTER => 500;

use strict;
use HTTP::Cookies;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use LWP::UserAgent;

use XML::Parser;
use E2ChatterboxCParser;       # chatter parser
use E2ChatterboxMParser;       # personal message parser

sub new {                           
  my $proto = shift();
  my $class = ref( $proto ) || $proto;                    
  my $self  = {                                         
    ua             => undef,
    cookie         => undef,

    chatter        => [],              
    chatter_parser => undef,
    chatter_data   => undef,
    chatter_req    => undef,
    chatter_time   => undef,

    msg            => [],
    msg_parser     => undef,                         
    msg_data       => undef,
    msg_req        => undef,                 

  bless( $self, $class );                          


  return $self;
sub delete_messages {
  my $self = shift();

  return $self->send_message( "", @_ );
sub get_all {
  my $self = shift();

  my $chatter_xml = $self->_get_chatter();
  $chatter_xml =~ s/\&/\&/g;
  $self->chatter_data( $chatter_xml );

  my $offset = scalar( @{$self->chatter()} ) - MAX_CHATTER;
  if ( $offset  > 0 ) {
    $self->chatter( [ splice( @{$self->chatter()}, $offset ) ] );

  if ( defined($self->cookie()) ) {
    my $msg_xml = $self->_get_msg();
    $msg_xml =~ s/\&/\&/g;         
    $self->msg_data( $msg_xml );
  return ( $self->chatter(), $self->msg() );
sub goto_room {
  my $self = shift();
  my $room = shift() || 'outside';

  return undef unless ( defined( $self->cookie() ) );

  my $room_id = 0;
  $room = lc( $room );
  if    ( $room eq 'asylum' )  { $room_id = 553129; }

  my $req = HTTP::Request::Common::POST( E2,

      changeroom => $room_id,
      # node       => 'private message XML ticker',  # don't work, need
      node_id    => 104,                             #  to use node_id?
      sexiscool  => 'go',                                              
    'Content-type' => 'multipart/form-data'
  my $response = $self->ua()->request( $req );

  return undef unless ( $response->is_success() );

  return 1;
sub login {
  my $self = shift();
  my $username = shift() || return undef;
  my $password = shift() || return undef;

  my $req = HTTP::Request::Common::POST( E2,
      op     => 'login',
      node   => 'private message XML ticker',
      user   => $username,                   
      passwd => $password,
    ] );                 

  my $response = $self->ua()->request( $req );
    # check to see if we're now logged in by scanning the entire
    # cookie jar and looking for a cookie whose key is 'userpass'
    # and whose domain includes the string 'everything2'.        
    # returns that cookie value if found, undef if not
  my $jar = $self->ua()->cookie_jar();
  my $cookie = undef;
  $jar->scan( sub {
    $cookie = $_[2] if ($_[1] eq 'userpass' && 
      $_[4] =~ m/everything2/i);
  } );

  return $self->cookie( $cookie );
sub send_message {
  my $self = shift();
  my $message = shift() || '';

  return undef unless ( defined( $self->cookie() ) );

  my %delete_these = map { "deletemsg_".$_ => 'yup' } @_;
  my $req = HTTP::Request::Common::POST( E2,
      op      => 'message',
      message => $message, 
      node    => 'chatterbox XML ticker',
    'Content-type' => 'multipart/form-data'
  my $response = $self->ua()->request( $req );

  return undef unless ( $response->is_success() );

  return 1;
### private methods
sub _initialize {
  my $self = shift();

  my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;          # the user-agent
  my $jar = new HTTP::Cookies;          # the ua's cookie jar

  $ua->cookie_jar( $jar );
  $self->ua( $ua );
  $self->chatter_req( HTTP::Request::Common::GET( E2 .
    "/?node=chatterbox+XML+ticker" ) );                  
    new XML::Parser( Style => 'E2Chatterbox::ChatterParser' ) );
  $self->chatter_time( 0 );

  $self->msg_req( HTTP::Request::Common::GET( E2 .
    "/?node=private+message+XML+ticker" ) );         
    new XML::Parser( Style => 'E2Chatterbox::MsgParser' ) );
sub _dump_chatter {
  my $self = shift();

  foreach my $line ( @{$self->chatter()} ) {
    my ( $time, $speaker, $speech ) = @$line;  
    print "[$time] $speaker: $speech\n";

sub _dump_msg {
  my $self = shift();

  foreach my $line ( @{$self->msg()} ) {
    my ( $time, $speaker, $speech, $id ) = @$line;

    print "[$time] $speaker ($id): $speech\n";

sub _get_chatter {
  my $self = shift();

  my $response = $self->ua()->request( $self->chatter_req() );

  return undef unless ( $response->is_success() );
  return $self->chatter_data( $response->content() );  

sub _get_msg {
  my $self = shift();

  my $response = $self->ua()->request( $self->msg_req() );

  return undef unless ( $response->is_success() );
  return $self->msg_data( $response->content() );
sub _parse_chatter {
  my $self = shift();
  my $chatter_xml = shift() || $self->chatter_data() || return undef;

  eval {
    my ( $new_chatter, $new_time ) =
      $self->chatter_parser()->parse( $chatter_xml,
        'last_time' => $self->chatter_time() );
    push( @{$self->chatter()}, @$new_chatter );
    $self->chatter_time( $new_time );          
  return $@;
sub _parse_msg {
  my $self = shift();
  my $msg_xml = shift() || $self->msg_data() || return undef;;

  eval {
    my $new_msg = $self->msg_parser()->parse( $msg_xml );
    $self->msg( $new_msg );                              
  return $@;
### Accessor methods
sub cookie { my $self=shift; return @_ ?
  $self->{cookie}=shift : $self->{cookie}; }
sub ua { my $self=shift; return @_ ? 
  $self->{ua}=shift : $self->{ua}; }

sub chatter { my $self=shift; return @_ ? 
  $self->{chatter}=shift : $self->{chatter}; }
sub chatter_parser { my $self=shift; return @_ ? 
  $self->{chatter_parser}=shift : $self->{chatter_parser}; }
sub chatter_data { my $self=shift; return @_ ? 
  $self->{chatter_data}=shift : $self->{chatter_data}; }
sub chatter_req { my $self=shift; return @_ ? 
  $self->{chatter_req}=shift : $self->{chatter_req}; }
sub chatter_time { my $self=shift; return @_ ? 
  $self->{chatter_time}=shift : $self->{chatter_time}; }

sub msg { my $self=shift; return @_ ? 
  $self->{msg}=shift : $self->{msg}; }
sub msg_parser { my $self=shift; return @_ ? 
  $self->{msg_parser}=shift : $self->{msg_parser}; }
sub msg_data { my $self=shift; return @_ ? 
  $self->{msg_data}=shift : $self->{msg_data}; }
sub msg_req { my $self=shift; return @_ ? 
  $self->{msg_req}=shift : $self->{msg_req}; }


### POD

=head1 NAME

E2Chatterbox2 - Everything2 chatterbox client, v.2


 use E2Chatterbox2;

 my $cbox = new E2Chatterbox2;
 $cbox->login( $username, $password );

 $cbox->send_message( "Hello, World!" );    # send a message
 $cbox->delete_messages( @message_ids );    # delete private messages

 my ($chatter_ref, $msg_ref) = $cbox->get_all();
 print join ("\n", map { join(", ") } @$chatter_ref )."\n";
 print join ("\n", map { join(", ") } @$msg_ref )."\n";


=over 4

=item new()

Constructor.  Calls _initialize().

=item login( $username, $password )

Log into E2.  Sets and return the cookie if successful, otherwise
returns undef.

=item get_all()

Get the xml chatterbox and private messages.  Returns an array
whose first element is a reference to the chatter array and whose
second element is a reference to the private messages array.

=item send_message( $message [, @ids_to_delete] )

Send $message to the chatterbox.  Returns undef on failure
and 1 on success.  cookie() needs to be set beforehand.
If passed a list of message_id's from private messages
then try to delete them.



=over 4

=item _initialize()

Sets up the E2Chatterbox2 object by setting up 1) the user-agent,
2) the HTTP cookie jar, 3) the HTTP::Request for the chatterbox
xml ticker, 4) the parser for the chatterbox, 5) the last time for
the chatterbox, 6) the HTTP::Request for personal messages and
7) the parser for personal messages.

=item _dump_chatter()

Dump the data in chatter() to STDOUT.

=item _dump_msg()

Dump the data in msg() to STDOUT.

=item _get_chatter()

Make a request to get the chatterbox xml ticker.  Return undef on
failure, the xml received on success.

=item _get_msg()

Get the messages from the 'private message XML ticker' node.
Return undef on failure, xml received on success.

=item _parse_chatter( [$xml] )

Parse chatter xml.  NOTE: this is returns undef on success and the
error message on failure.  Will update chatter() and chatter_time()
on success.  If $xml is not passed, use chatter_data().

=item _parse_msg( [$xml] )

Parse private message xml.  Just like _parse_chatter() this will
return undef on success and the error message on failure.  Updates
msg() on success.  Will use msg_data() if $xml isn't passed.


=head1 DATA

=over 4

=item ua

The LWP::UserAgent object for E2Chatterbox2.

=item cookie

The cookie if the E2Chatterbox2 is logged in.  Otherwise it's undef.

=item chatter

An reference to an array of references to arrays.
The chatter is in [ time, speaker, speech ].

=item chatter_parser

The XML::Parser for chatter.

=item chatter_data

The latest chatterbox data gotten.

=item chatter_req

The HTTP::Request to get the chatterbox.

=item chatter_time

The last message time seen from the chatterbox.

=item msg

Another reference to an array of references.  These are
the private messages in [time, speaker, speech, message_id] form.

=item msg_parser

XML::Parser for private messages.

=item msg_data

Latest private message data gotten by the ua.

=item msg_req

HTTP::Request to get the private message xml ticker.



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