When making desserts, or doing any kind of baking, you can can't spit without hitting a recipe that requires egg yolks or egg whites separately. (Not that I would recommend spitting in the kitchen, though. Hygiene, folks.)

All too often I see people separate the eggs by breaking the shell in half, then pouring the yolk from one side to the other, patiently waiting for the white to glob and dribble off. No. This is wrong. Don't do it. You'll either burst the yolk by spearing it on a pointy bit of shell, or you won't get rid of enough of the white.

Here's the proper way: First, wash your hands thoroughly (as you should always do before handling food). Then, take two bowls, one for the whites, and one for the yolks. Crack open an egg over the whites bowl (one-handed if you're a pro). Hold out your left hand, fingers together and palm upwards, over the whites bowl. Pour the egg out of the shell and into your left hand. Open your fingers slightly (not too far), and gently jiggle your hand so that the egg white dribbles through your fingers. Finally, deposit the yolk in the yolks bowl.

Faster and more efficient. Plus, it impresses people by making it look like you really know what you're doing.

There is an alternate and less "messy" method.

Take an egg and some pointed instrument. Carefully make a hole in one of the narrow portions of the shell. Be carefull not to knock any peices of shell inside.

Then turn the shell upside down over a bowl, and make another, identical hole on the other end. Now, gently, place your lips over this hole and blow into the egg.

As you do this, egg white is forced out the other side. When it stops running, stop blowing. If you blow too hard, the yolk will break and it will come out too. This is useful if you also need the yolk.

I have used this several times, with great success. There are also actual devices that you may pour an egg into that catch the yolk and allow the white to flow. I have never used one so I can't speak as to their worth.

  1. Break the egg onto a small plate.
  2. Place an upside-down eggcup over the yoke.
  3. Pour the white off the plate while catching the yoke in the eggcup.

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