I have two guinea pigs, they're pretty neat. I was driven to buy them because they were cute, but I knew I would have to give them food, affection, and exercise.

Exercise. Guinea pigs need daily exercise and if you try chasing them around in a big room you'll find that they're quite fast, despite their stubby legs. I let mine run around in my Dining room, and they are very interesting to watch. I've heard them whistle, squeak, purr and chatter and I'm beginning to decode what some of these sounds mean.

Whistling/siren sound-They make this when they're trying to relocate each other, or when they want their owner. (This isn't really a whistle, it's just so high pitched it sounds that way).
Loud squeaking and chattering-This means they're mad or in pain.

Purring-This means they're happy and enjoying themselves.

I wish I could find out more, and maybe even duplicate these sounds. But for now, all I can do is watch these amazing animals at work.

Guinea Pigs have several different noises that they use for communication; first, there is the high-pitched "Wheep!" noise. This one is used when excited (usually about food), or, ocassionally, when hurt or distressed. There is a separate noise for when they are unhappy, but because I rarely heard the noise (I was not the type to torture my guinea pigs in the name of empirical discovery) I was unable to distinguish the sounds.

The second noise that the Guinea Pig will make is the "chut-chut" noise. They do this when they are exploring or running around.)

Finally, somewhat related to the "chut-chut" noise is the "brrrtt" noise. This is primarily a noise used for domination (social as well as sexual) and as a supplement to the "chut chut" noise.

My parents recently got a guinea pig and she has made a huge difference in their lives. My parents are getting old and recently retired and somewhat lost about how to fill their days. They have a dog and a cat, but the guinea pig interacts with them on a different level. They wake up to "Pinky Pig" chattering at them, telling them she's ready for her morning lettuce treat. Every time the refrigerator door opens, she lets them know that she would sure appreciate a little snack. She jumps and plays and frolics and makes them smile. I've heard of pet therapy, where pets are used to heal, but I never considered a guinea pig for this. She is the perfect pet for my elderly parents. Her noises fill a somewhat quiet house with cheer and fun.

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