Kingdom   Plantae
Phylum    Magnoliophyta
Class     Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledons) 
Sub-Class Rosidae
Order     Rosales
Family    Crassulaceae
Genus     Greenovia
Species   Approximately 4
A monocarpic rosette forming Crassulaceae, similar in appearance to aeonium, jovibarba, sempervivum, and echeveria. This genus can be found primarily on Tenerife, in the Canary Islands.

This genus is visually distinct from similar rosette forming Crassulaceae due to its bright green leaves, dense, symmetrical rosettes and yellow flowers (which can be as big as the main rosette itself) which grow from a single, and impressively sized, inflorescence. As well, the rosettes tend to have a more distinctly rosebud shape, rather than the more flattened rosettes of similar genera.

Although the genus is typically monocarpic, the rosettes of some species will survive flowering (Greenovia aizoon). Some species will produce offsets (though they are not prolific). Propagation occurs mostly through pollination or leaf cuttings (though leaf cuttings are notably difficult with this genus).
As with most of the similar Crassulaceae genera, this plant does well in poor soil so long as it drains well. In fact in situ, this plant commonly grows in rock crevasses with very little soil at all.

In the summer, the rosette will close tightly and the leaves will turn orange or rusty red. This is due to the summer conditions of it's native habitat. Lower humidity and less rain will induce dormancy, and once these conditions change the plant will reopen and show new growth within a few weeks.

This genus is rarely seen outside of its native habitat -- in fact there are very few Botanical Institutions which are cultivating this genus. Hopefully this will change soon, as greenovia is becoming rare even in its native habitat.

Known Species
  • Greenovia aizoon
  • Greenovia aurea (largest and most common)
  • Greenovia diplocycla (will not form offsets, propagate only through pollination or leaf cuttings)
  • Greenovia dodrentalis
Cultivation information for the hobby-grower is almost non-existant as this is such a rare plant.

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