An important component of Thai food. Used in making green curry, as well as some fried rice. Always stir fry the curry paste before adding the meat, rice or vegetables. Frying takes some of the edge off the paste, as well as enhancing the flavor.

If you can't get green curry paste at the shops, you can make some yourself in a food processor. See you local Thai cookbook, or use the following. The recipe is for a large amount; split it up into plastic bags, placing 2-3 tablespoons in each, and freeze the bags.

  • 1 Tbsp. coriander seeds
  • 2 tsp. cumin seeds
  • black peppercorns
  • fish sauce OR grilled shrimp paste OR anchovy paste
  • 7-10 green chillis
  • ginger (about 1/5 of a root)
  • 10 large cloves garlic
  • 1/2 bunch coriander leaves (about half a tightly-packed cup)
  • grated lemon peel (all the peel off a lemon)
  • lemon grass
  • salt
Grind all ingredients together. Add some oil if paste starts to separate.

As always, there's more than one recipe... the following was taken from "Keo's Thai Cuisine", by Keo Sananikone, who owns a chain of Thai restaurants in Hawaii.

The recipe looks like it's spicier than the one listed above in this node. It also appears to have a number of harder-to-get ingredients. I would be very interested for someone to try both recipes and compare the two.

15 to 20 fresh small Thai green chile peppers
4 stalks fresh lemongrass, coarsely chopped
3 shallots, thinly sliced
1 clove garlic
1 tbsp kha (Thai ginger), coarsley chopped
1 tbsp krachai (lesser ginger), coarsley chopped
5 kaffir lime leaves, coarsley chopped
1/2 tsp kaffir lime rind, chopped
1/2 tsp ground coriander
1/2 tsp ground caraway seeds
1/2 to 1 tsp fish sauce (depending on brand and personal taste)
1 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp shrimp paste (optional)
2 tbsp vegetable oil

If using a food processor, simply combine all the ingredients, and process until the mixture is smooth.

If using a mortar and pestle, combine all ingredients but the oil and work into a paste, then add the oil and mix in well.

Store in a glass container, and refrigerate. The paste should keep well for several months.

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