I wrote this song to be sung by everyone at my high school graduation. It was written in spanish, but I translated it so you can understand it :)

Graduation Song

Original spanish, and English translation

Tantos años ya vividos
Y recuerdos compartidos
Que no puede ser que hoy sea el final
Juntos hemos madurado
Nuestras vidas han cambiado
Nuestros lazos nunca ya se romperán.

Hoy estamos todos juntos
Justo antes de salir al mundo
A enfrentar lo que espera
Lo que sucederá

(coro 1)
que nuestras vidas apenas comienzan
Nuevos pasos guiarán la senda de nuestro camino
Hacia la libertad.
(coro 2)
Le daremos la vuelta al mundo
Con el eco de nuestro pensamiento tan profundo
Tan hondo como el mar.

Abracémonos, amigo,
Nuestro tiempo ha concluido
El momento de partir se acerca ya.
Por favor, toma mi mano,
Y recuerda bien, mi hermano,
En mi corazón tú siempre estarás.

Nos separamos pues la vida
Continúa, y cambia, y gira, y gira,
Por nosotros no se va a detener.
Pero tenemos los recuerdos
Todos los bellos momentos que
Se quedan siempre en nuestras almas
Aunque sean sólo “ayer”.

(coro 1)
(coro 2)
(coro 1)
(coro 3)
Nos separamos, mas sigues conmigo,
Nada que pase podrá borrar todo el tiempo vivido,
Ni nuestra amistad

So many years already passed,
So many memories we share
That this just can't be the end of it all
Together we've grown up,
Our lives have changed,
The bond between us will never be broken.

Today we stand all together
Right before leaving out to the world
To face whatever is waiting
Whatever is going to happen.

(chorus 1)
That our lives are just beginning
New footsteps will lead our way on the road
To freedom.
(chorus 2)
We will go around the world
With just the echo of our deep thoughts
As deep as the sea.

Let's hug each other, friend
Our time has concluded
The moment to part is nearing.
Please, take my hand
And always remember, my brother,
That you'll always be in my heart.

We have to separate because life
continues, and changes, and goes 'round, and 'round,
It won't stop because of us.
But we have our memories,
All the beautiful moments that
Will always remain in our souls,
Even if they're just part of yesterday.

(chorus 1)
(chorus 2)
(chorus 1)
(chorus 3)
We go on different roads, but you're still with me.
Nothing that ever happens will erase all the time we've lived
Nor our friendship

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