The convection level is positioned between photosphere and the interface level and is considered to be the outermost layer of the Suns interior. Exactly what goes on within it is mostly a mystery to most scientists- mostly due to the fact that you can only see its surface.

The convection level extends from a depth of about 200,000 km from the core almost up to the visible surface, (the only layer in between is the very thin photosphere) The temperatures within the convection layer range from 2 million K at its base to around 5,700 K at the surface, "cool" enough for the heavier ions such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, calcium, and iron to hold onto some of their electrons making the layer more opaque and therefore harder for radiation to get through. The upshot of this is that heat is trapped causing the fluid to become unstable and making it incredibly turbulent. The convection currents set up by this trapped heat carries heat to the surface where the fluid expands and cools. The patterns made by these convective motions are visible at the surface as granules and supergranules.

There are several theories that state that a solar "dynamo" exits at the base of the convection level and it is this that is responsible for the generation of the Sun's magnetic field. Although the surface manifestations of the solar dynamo have been observed for over a century, there is not enough information available to explain quite how it works

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