If you find any nodes you think should be in this category, message the maintainer (or an editor) with your suggestion.

Maintained By: The Custodian

Aviation involves handling large amounts of information reliably and efficiently in order to remain safe and fly effectively. Pilots (from the moment they begin their training, usually) are aswim in checklists and lists of information in general, as well as strange eccentric facts that need to be remembered. As a result, aviation is one of the most fertile grounds for acronyms and mnemonics that I have dabbled in. Here are some of the various acronyms and abbreviations that are helping me get my pilot's license and aviate safely. They're all English-centric, because I'm learning to fly in the U.S. If you have examples of these devices in other languages, by all means let me know and we'll get them into this category.

I'm placing them on E2 for a couple of reasons - one, hopefully, people will wander across them and find them interesting and perhaps useful. The more likely avenue for their use, if such ever occurs, is if a noder or internet searcher runs across one of these terms in general use and searches for a definition. I hope they're of service.

1 GUMPS (thing) The Custodian writeup
2 NEODD and SWEVEN (thing) The Custodian writeup
3 Arrow (thing) The Custodian writeup
4 IM SAFE (thing) The Custodian writeup
5 Pave (thing) The Custodian writeup
6 GOOSE A CAT (thing) The Custodian writeup
7 ANDS (thing) The Custodian writeup
8 AV1ATE (thing) The Custodian writeup
9 WUVHRKDBGM (thing) The Custodian writeup
10 ATOMATOEFLAMES (thing) The Custodian writeup
11 Safety (thing) The Custodian writeup
12 VNAV (thing) The Custodian writeup
13 PUFFA (thing) The Custodian writeup
14 NWKRAFT (thing) The Custodian writeup