In the ancient Mayan civilization, it was believed that all buildings were living beings. From thatched roof huts to pyramids. The physical proportions of their buildings often employed the "golden mean", and certain areas of each building were meant to represent the parts of a body. But they didn't just intend to physically model nature and life with their buildings. They also engaged in ceremonial dedications that were intended to ensoul each building.

These ceremonies consisted of making statements to dedicate the home or building; and of making offerings to it. Precious items such as jade, dye, cloth, and severed animal heads would be buried under the floor in key areas throughout a building. Each offering would be symbolic of whichever part of a body the point in the building represented. Also note that the soul of a building was often replenished, and some offerings and dedications were repeated over time.

For example, in the central axis of a home was built a hearth. At this location, the women in a family would prepare and cook every meal. This part of a building is like the umbilicus of a human being. It's directly related to satisfying the nutritional needs of the body. (At least while we're in our mother's wombs.) To match this symbolism, the umbilical cord of every child born into a household was buried at, near, or under this hearth. This replenished the soul of the home, and specifically its ability to provide nourishment.

Due to this tradition, the ancient Maya used the expression "Where is your umbilicus buried?" to ask someone where they were from. (Their place of birth.) Among some of the modern descendents of the Maya, this expression is still used today.

So if you're ever asked this question, don't freak out as if you've just met Hannibal Lecter. It doesn't mean anything weird.

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