What are you doing?
Right now?
Besides reading this write up of course?
Looking for a job?
Growing a life inside you?
Raising a beautiful child?
Working on your marriage?
Going through a divorce?
Dating an exciting, sexy new person?
Screwing off in college?
Preparing for your future?
Worrying about the volatile state of the world?
Perhaps all of the above? Some of the above?
What are you doing?
Do you ever wonder that when you see people?
Do you want to ask the people you see
walking down the street?
driving next to you on the highway?
near you in the produce section?
What are those people doing? What am I doing here, besides trying to make you think?
Depending upon what you know about me already, do you wonder what my life is like?
What my occupation is?
I wonder that about you.
What are you doing?
the boy wonders about the girl he watches undressing in her window.
the security guard ponders about the suspicious person in the monitor.
wonders the little girl as she watches her brother stick a needle in his arm.
the diner wonders about the person across the room hammering away at their laptop.
yells the boss after he catches his employee dancing in a red ress with fruit on his head in the break room.
asks the five-year-old boy of his mother after he's watched her through the crack of the door thrashing around in her bed, moaning, alone.
wonders the nation sometimes about their President.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
The question has a much different meaning
depending on which word you emphasize and italicize.
What's he doing? What's she doing? What are they doing?
These questions are signs of our need to know
Our sometimes unjustified curiosity
Our thirst for voyeurism
The hidden camera, the hidden camera shows
the instinctual inability to look away from the car accidents as you slowly crawl by them
Why's that car turned over?
What are those ambulance workers doing? Was there a fatality?
No matter how much you say you don't, you do
You want to know.
So... what are you doing anyway?