To america With Love: Letters From The Underground is a book written by Abbie Hoffman and Anita Hoffman. It is a compilation of letters between Abbie and his wife and 3 year old child, america Hoffman, after Abbie went underground to evade trumped up cocaine charges. The book shows the already rock solid love between Abbie, Anita, and america, grow stronger, as it becomes more apparent that Abbie and Anita were truley soulmates. Abbie's struggle with the underground lifestyle comes to life, as well as the quest for strength and independence by Anita. All in all, this book holds two intersting morsels of knowledge, firstly, the dynamics of the relationship between the Hoffman family, and the lifestyle that political refugees must endure. A good read for anyone intersted in the life and times of one of the world's greatest revolutionaries.

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