The idea for this delectable dessert drink came about through a few iterations in my mind before coming to glorious fruition this fine evening.

You see, Albertson's today had their semi-regular buy one, get one sale on Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream (also known as Edy's on the east coast). My mother thought it would be best to purchase both their raspberry sherbet and orange sherbet with "lite" vanilla ice cream. (How do they swirl it so?!)

I began to ponder the many possibilities afforded me with these tools on hand:

"What about... a small amount of raspberry sherbet in some milk?"

"What about mixing the two flavors to create a heavenly blend of deliciousness, ineffably unrivaled by drinks present, past, and future?"

I headed downstairs with the intention of trying one if not both those ideas. An abundance of other combinations whizzed through my mind...

As I retrieved the iced-over packages from their frozen hovel, a moment of brilliance struck my presently 12-year-old brother.

"Hey Chris," he proclaimed.

"Why don't we mix the two sherbet flavors, and some Sprite?"

And thus, with that inspiration, I give you the recipe for the smoothie of God Himself.

I call it "The Sunburst". If you can come up with a better name, please feel free to suggest it.
Because for now, I feel like I'm stealing it from Ten-Forward.

The Sunburst


1 12 oz. can of Sprite, chilled
Two Scoops Orange sherbet with Vanilla Ice Cream, preferably Dreyer's
One Scoop Raspberry sherbet, of the same


Blender, or similar food/liquid mincing device
Ice Cream scoop, or Russian-winter-hardened hands
Chilled glass (I used my official Star Trek: Nemesis glass mug, taken from my freezer, for this special treat)


Plop, insert, toss, fling, hurl, push, encourage, or just plain mash the ice cream/sherbet into the blender.
Blend until you know, in your heart, your beverage is ready. Under no circumstances should you prematurely cease the blending cycle, but you must also not over-blend. Find your balance. Know thyself. Know thy blender. Enjoy.

(Makes approx. two decently-sized servings, if you're generous with your ice-cream scoopings.)

An Aside

I had always thought said dessert's correct designation was "sherbert", and that it was to be pronounced as such. Microsoft Word's built-in dictionary denies that such a word is correct, but a search on Webster provides it as a variant. Nonetheless, for those hardcore sherbetians out there (that is, sherbet-eaters of old]), I've decided to keep with the traditional spelling.

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