| weeknight sound track |

Weeknight Sound Track,
5am-6am Friday Night / Saturday Morning

                    Something                   Melochord 75
                    tingles. It may              (Stereolab)
or may not be       
5am. I'm not quite  
sure. I'm not quite 
sure of anything,   
actually. I can     
only deal with      
Tomorrow Never      generalisations. My                     
Knows               head tingles. At                        
(The Beatles)       least, I think                          
this head is        
mine. Please help   
me, I have no       
sense of self. Not  
that it matters     
anymore. My         
head... or          
head, is still      
tingling. I have    
two theories. I     
may be asleep,      
and dreaming. Or,   
                    I may be very,             The Wavemaker
                    very high. The           (Cha Cha Cohen)
difference in       
either case is      
purely academic.    
The line between    
the two is a        
tightrope: which    
                    side you fall to           911 is a Joke
                    is irrelevant,            (Public Enemy)
and the space       
to either side      
is connected        
by the vast space   
Bruce Lee           beneath. Somebody                       
(Underworld)        closes their                Fears of Gun
                    eyes and feels it   (The Birthday Party)
fall above their    
Let Him Have It     head. Vertigo.                          
(The Wedding        Colours,                                
Present)            tailing off into                        
blackness. Perhaps  
this means I'm      
                    asleep. Although           Beatle George
                    that doesn't mean     (The Jazz Butcher)
I'm not high.       

                    Either way,       Providence (excerpt 2)
                    I dream,             (Godspeed You Black
                    Somebody dreams.               Emperor!)
Crazy Sort Of Hum   Somebdoybody                            
(Spare Snare)       dreams of somebody        Friday Night /
                    else. Everybody         Saturday Morning
                    dreams of finding       (Nouvelle Vague)
somebody. If this   
                    were me, I'd dream           Pretty Face
                    of you. Or maybe              (Morphine)
Hand Passes Plenty  dreaming is for its                     
(AC Acoustics)      own sake.                               

                    Something         Providence (excerpt 1)
                    has stoppoed         (Godspeed You Black
                    tingling. It                   Emperor!)
is my head. I       
open my eyes        
to the darkness     
                    of our room. I       Pull The Wires From
                    smile. Saturday                 The Wall
                    morning, my               (The Delgados)
love. Weekend,      
Sunrise is          
                    coming. Today is    Providence (excerpts
                    ours. Wake up, my                 2, 2½)
                    love. Let's get UP   (Godspeed You Black
                    and fucking                    Emperor!)


Running time: 60'00.00. Composed with audacity, Quicktime and iTunes. And, for that matter, Mac OS X, a PowerBook called Motoko and an iPod named Bebop.

On behalf of weeknight sound track and the weeklings, we thank you for your kind attention. Have a good weekend y'all.

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