Near Matches
Ignore Exact
Still she cried, and still the world pursues
if i never saw you again
water moves, beneath the ice. now is almost time -
If you could see me cry
She sang of fantastic green islands, and sparkling fish, never telling that she haunted the waters
If the universe breaks my heart
Maybe because we like to cry. Maybe because neither of us can believe.
I followed the light in her eyes around the room, staying within range
fiction (dreams in digital)
Kick up dust in the ruins of each other's souls
Bridge to Terabithia
Although we are perfect, we sometimes engineer mistakes to alleviate boredom
So she wet the bed
The truth and who I am when I look at it
Half a peach, glistening
The fragility of friendships
Money can buy happiness
My regret sits on the floor like someone else's polaroid photos
snow on the windshield
Tuning a bad piano doesn't make it a good piano
A Game of Chess
Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate, One Second before Awakening
Out with Rachel
Lundi Soir Sans Coeur
Dawn was a lucky time to give birth
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