The following are the winning words in the Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee from 1980 - 1999. Children under 16 and not above 8th grade are elligible to compete. The winner in 1999 was Nupur Lala.

1980 - elucubrate
1981 - sarcophagus
1982 - psoriasis
1983 - purim
1984 - luge
1985 - milieu
1986 - odontalgia
1987 - staphylococci
1988 - elegiacal
1989 - spoliator
1990 - fibranne
1991 - antipyretic
1992 - lyceum
1993 - kamikaze
1994 - antediluvian
1995 - xanthosis
1996 - vivisepulture

Editors note:

Updating to make the list current and adding links so that people can see what the words mean.

1997 - euonym
1998 - chiaroscurist
1999 - logorrhea
2000 - demarche
2001 - succedaneum
2002 - prospicience
2003 - pococurante
2004 - autochthonous
2005 - appoggiatura
2006 - Ursprache
2007 - seffefine
2008 - guerdon
2009 - Laodicean
2010 - stromuhr
2011 - cymotrichous
2012 - guetapens

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