December Silhouette

It only takes a few objects
for me to trace her waltz through a winter day

One pair leading to the carport
and two pairs leading away


 Trading Silhouettes

the dawntime embraces it, embraces her...
I thought once or twice of being there
with her to try to stencil it out, reach
back to the dawn the same way it has caught
her but the bastard makes it look so easy what-with
-all the smog and density of cold, the sky
mire, absurd, astral, silhouette and
hers too, complimented by the rising and
not at all vice-versa.


The Knight’s Silhouette

The moon also rises
Someone's skin is peeling out there,
He is disrespecting his disease
Leather-worn like a one-sided conversation
His silhouette is shame like feathers and breadcrumbs
Scattered among his footsteps in the black and white forest

But not mine, I am cast in sheen
The strength of my elders drawn from the sand
Stronger than my clergymen, my counterpart, my king
Anchored in the snow like Washington waiting
For the waltz of war, two to one, one to two
Brandishing my skin as an educated weapon,
Awaiting orders, eyes closed, marble and stone


August/December, 2013

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