"All characters and events in this show --even those based on real people-- are entirely fictional. All celebrity voices are impersonated ... poorly. The following program contains coarse language and due to its content it should not be viewed by anyone."

This disclaimer has been shown at the beginning of every "South Park" episode since its inception in the fall of 1997, as well as the 5-minute short "The Spirit of Christmas," the feature film "South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut," and the Nintendo 64 first-person-shooter video game of the same name as the show.

The disclaimer ultimately showcases, in one brief paragraph, the quality of satire that Matt Stone and Trey Parker exhibit throughout the entire show, a la "The Simpsons" from Matt Groening's own limitless pit of societal stabs. It embodies the spirit of the show it its fight to criticize disclaimers, censorship, and "American wholesomeness" as a whole.

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