Snoqualmie is a city.
Snoqualmie is a waterfall.
- It falls 268 feet
- A popular tourist destination
Snoqualmie is a pass.
Snoqualmie is a mountain.
Snoqualmie is a river.
- It is 45 miles long.
- Mouth: Snohomish River.
I was in Washington for the summer and went to Snoqualmie area 3 times, my most frequented destination. Me and 3 buddies camped overnight in a tent one of the times inches from the river. There are many great spots along the forty five miles of river. The current is fairly swift, but fun to wade through when we fished. It is best to fly fish this river aiming for trout. I'm sure there are a few bigger trout somewhere along the river, but we seemed to catch smaller ones (I'd say around a dozen fish caught over the 3 times out). I felt a few large bites. The waterfall is very large and you can hear its rumble. Great scenery, many large cliffs and hills.